Sustainable Development


PPC aims at a comprehensive integration of sustainable development/CSV issues into the strategy, governance, and operational model of the Group (as well as of the individual member companies) and the improvement of ESG disclosures, taking into account the basic economic, social and environmental impact of PPC Group, not only through the products and services currently provided or to be provided in the future (sustainability of product) but also across the processes leading up to the development of products and services (sustainability of process) all along the value chain and taking into consideration all stakeholders (bottom-up re-engineering for stakeholder vs. shareholder economy).

PPC invariably operates with a sense of duty and absolute transparency across the whole spectrum of its business activity. Its action and manner of conducting business demonstrate responsibility for the environment, readiness to apply best working practices, and attention to the manner of interaction with its stakeholders (customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, local communities, central and local government, civil society, the environment, etc.). It endeavours to act as a balancing factor for the benefit of society as well as itself.

The Sustainable Development Policy of PPC Group is the Group’s basic commitment framework in terms of Sustainable Development, in view of the constant strive to create and measure shared value (CSV) for Society, for the Company and for Stakeholders, with the least possible impact on the Environment in order to make such development possible for future generations.

The Sustainable Development Policy is fully aligned with the strategic plan and the ensuing need to transform the Group’s business model; Sustainable Development issues are also approached through the viewpoint of their financial impact on the Group.

In this respect, we are always on the lookout for mechanisms to integrate sustainable development enablers all along the value chain and adopt the principles of the circular economy in the production and development of new and existing products and services.

All across operations and actions, PPC looks to contribute to achieving the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing those associated with the priorities resulting from materiality and from Stakeholders, as well as the Company’s performance and impact on these Goals, but also inversely, in view of their significance for the Company’s viability and business plan.