Water Resources

PPC recognizes the importance of water resources for sustainable development. To this end, it implements a series of preventive measures and actions with a view to safeguarding and managing water resources, in a responsible manner, aiming at maximizing the overall social and environmental benefit.

Emphasis is placed on systematic monitoring of the country’s hydrological potential through a standard monitoring network, including a highly reliable meteorological network for rainfall monitoring, with 170 metering stations, installed mostly on mountainous areas, and a hydrometric network with 39 river discharge metering stations.  

Aside from being used to meet the Company’s needs and for the safe designing of public and private works, the data from the hydrometeorological network provide valuable information to national authorities and interested bodies to support actions related to the management and protection of the aquatic environment.  

The following table lists the water sources affected by pumping in Power Plants (thermal or hydro) in combination with the protection status of each area (due to  high biodiversity value). Information on the European Ecological network NATURA 2000 is available on the relevant webpage of the Ministry for the Environment and Energy.  

It is pointed out that PPC projects far predate the designation of Natura 2000 areas. The pan-European network Natura 2000 for the protection of species and their habitats was founded in 1992 under Directive 92/43/EC. The national list of the European Ecological Network Natura 2000 areas was revised by the JMD 50743/2017 (NOG 4432/Β/15-12-2017). Consequently, the areas currently under protection are the ecosystems which evolved from the construction of PPC’s hydroelectric projects (dams, reservoirs, lakes, etc.) combined with the operation of HPPs during all these years.  

Water springs of Power Plants

Name of water springs Type

Protection status

Almyros, Chania*  Lake (estuary)  NATURA 2000  
Acheloos (Kremasta, Kastraki, Stratos)  Reservoirs  None
Aliakmonas (Ilarion, Polyfyto, Sfikia)  Reservoirs  None
Aliakmonas (Asomata)  Reservoir NATURA 2000  
Agras  Reservoir NATURA 2000  
Nestos (Thisavros, Platanovryssi)  Reservoirs  NATURA 2000  
Arachtos (Pournari Ι and ΙΙ)  Reservoirs  None
Aoos  Reservoir NATURA 2000  
Ladonas (Ladonas HPP)  Reservoir None
Tavropos (N. Plastiras HPP)  Reservoir NATURA 2000  

 * The Almyros spring at Chania falls within the responsibility of PPC Renewables. Under the Agreement between PPC and PPC Renewables the Chania HPP is responsible for the SHPP and for monitoring water quality in this particular reservoir, in compliance with the Joint Ministerial Decisions approving the Environmental Terms concerning SHPP.  

Water management in hydro power plants

Hydroelectric projects provide flood protection and meet the needs of adjacent areas in terms of water supply and irrigation. Moreover, dams ensure a minimum uninterrupted flow in riverbeds (ecological flow), even in prolonged periods of drought,  contributing thus significantly to the protection and management of national water resources.  

In all cases of extreme weather conditions, PPC dams, reservoirs and other anti-flood projects operate effectively and protect populations, riparian ecosystems and properties in riverain areas.  

Power plants operate in such way as to meet the terms of the ecological flow, water supply and irrigation in cooperation with the competent Regions (annual/daily planning), as well as the system’s energy needs.

Water supply as per category of use (in mil m3) 


Water management in Thermal Power Plants

With a view to a rational water management, PPC recycles and reuses important amounts of water, thus reducing the total volume required to meet its needs. The relevant amount of water recycled and reused in Power Plants represents 11.85% in lignite-fired plants and 54.73% in oil-fired plants. It should be noted that the foregoing estimates of recycling rates do not take into account the amount of cooling seawater.   

Volume of pumped water as per withdrawal source (in mil m3) 


Volume of pumped water as per category of thermal power plant (in mil m3) 


Water management in lignite mines

In mining areas, pumped water (either groundwater to protect excavations from water inflow or surface water in drainage pump stations on mine floors) is to meet the needs of mines while, depending on the needs and the existing standard policy of good co-operation with local communities, it is supplied to neighboring municipalities to irrigate local crops or for other uses, whereas any surplus quantities are redirected to natural local receivers of the region, reinforcing their water balance and improving their quality.    

Let us note the Company’s positive contribution in maintaining flow in the Soulou artificial ditch in Ptolemaida, which makes it viable and ensures the equilibrium of the ecosystem. 

Water use in lignite mines in the years 2017-2019 

(in mil m3) 20171
(in mil. m3) 20181

WATER SUPPLY     (in mil. m3) 20191

Wetting (roads, ash, etc.) 1,5 2,4 2,2

Water Supply to Mines
(staff and facilities’ needs) 

0,5 0,2 0,2
Irrigation  2,0 2,0 2,0
Natural receivers2  30,9 29,3 30,6
Needs ΑΗ 0,9 0.2 0,30
Total 34,5  34,1  35,3

(1) Does not include quantities related to water use in the mines of Lignitiki Megalopolis S.A.
(2) Includes surface waters.